Update on a separate staging site first.
= 1.7 - 11-09-2024
- New: support for copy and paste otp from clipboard
- New: WP CLI support
- New: support for WordPress 6.6.2
- New: support for WooCommerce 9.2.3
= 1.6.2 - 23-12-2023
- Fix: minor bugfix
= 1.6.1 - 12-12-2023
- New: support for WordPress 6.4.2
- New: support for WooCommerce 8.4
- Fix: minor bugfix
= 1.6 - 08-10-2023
- New: support for WordPress 6.4
- New: support for WooCommerce 8.3
- Tweak: login sessions for the same user are now independent of each other
- Dev: added the user session token to leo_2fa_send_otp_custom_integration action
- Fix: minor bugfix
= 1.5.1
New: added the affiliation menu
= 1.5
- Tweak: optimize the way to select the service for OTP code delivery.
Pro version only changes:
- Dev: change hook name from leo_2fa_send_otp_custom_mode to leo_2fa_send_otp_custom_integration
- New: verification link via email in addition to OTP
= 1.4
- New: a user now can only request one new OTP per minute.
- Tweak: change plugin name from Leo 2FA OTP to Leo 2FA
Pro version only changes:
- New: added a new hook that allow to send the otp using a custom function
- New: emergency code for admins to bypass 2FA
- New: new IP address login notification New: emergency code login notification
= 1.3
- New: added the option to limit only one session per user at a time by user role
- New: added the option to enable the 2FA. By now it will be disabled by default
= 1.2
- New: added option to change the loading icon on the 2FA page
- New: support for WooCommerce 8.2
- New: support for WordPress 6.3
- New: support for Easy
- Digital Downloads 3.2
- Tweak: email template
Pro version only changes:
- New: added option to add custom CSS rules on the 2FA page
= 1.1
- New: added option to enable 2FA for administrators
- New: support for Nextend Social Login 3.1
- Fix: minor bugfix
= 1.0
- First release